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Group show, "Dimensions”, Whitestone Ginza New Gallery


この度銀座にてグループ展に参加しています。『Dimensions』はWhitestone Ginza New Gallery にて開催されております。

Whitestone Ginza New Galleryでは昨年個展『光のオルゴール−Orgel of Light』を開催させていただきました。今展示では、昨年と今年の東京藝術大学、東京造形大学、山形芸術工科大学を卒業された7名によるグループ展「Dimensions」を開催致します。(Part 1. 2021年8月27日〜9月11日/ Part 2. 9月17日〜10月2日)

また、ホワイトストーン オンラインギャラリー(では、7名の作家に加え、香港の若手作家3名を加えたオンラインエキシビジョンを開催中です。







会場:Whitestone Ginza New Gallery

〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座6丁目4−16

営業時間:11:00- 19:00


(English Below)

On September 17,Japanese artist Karen Shiozawa is joining at group exhibition in Tokyo. I held solo exhibition there last year. I'd like you to enjoy the exhibition.

The group exhibition focuses the works by seven young artists who are fresh graduates of Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo Zokei University, and Tohoku University of Art and Design. The exhibition is divided into part one: August 27–September 11, 2021, and part two: September 17–October 2, 2021.

(Selected Texts by Whitestone gallery)

There are few opportunities in the world today for young artists to display their work. Art museums and galleries tend to prefer experienced and prominent artists. This holds true the bigger the institution becomes. So, most of the good exhibition opportunities are claimed by stars who have more marketability.

Every artist starts as an unknown, and there are countless young artists in the world right now seeking to make a name for themselves. Given just one right opportunity, each one of them has the potential to make it big. It has always been my wish to discover such young talent.

This group exhibition features young artists of whom I discovered while visiting the graduation exhibitions from different art universities.

Artists with no hint of their forebears, and artists who possess unique perspectives and expressions are the ones who will expand the market of contemporary art and write a new chapter in its history. I specifically chose artists with interesting works who have the potential to play such a role.

Like the epoch-making artist Léonard Foujita, these young artists are blazing their own trails, which is why I selected their works for this exhibition. I sincerely hope that you come and enjoy it.

Finally, I would like to wish all artists and art lovers a prosperous life beyond this current pandemic.

I wish Art will make you happy!!!

Koei Shiraishi









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